Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My First Post

A message to those who love music,

My goal with this blog is to find unsigned bands and either give them some recognition or rip them to shreds, both which will be fun for me because I will discover some great new music and some more justin biebers of the world to make fun of.

The first band I decided to post is: Masters of the Universe 
www.myspace.com/mastersoftheuniverse and I know they are on facebook as well. 

But firstly I want to say I used to love this band, but I realized that they really are wayyy better live than on recordings. Their current line up is pretty good, but as far as actual musical construction, most of the music they have made in the past 2-3 years has been relatively simplistic (sorry guys). It is still fun to listen to but its not something I would go out of my way to buy, especially when there are soo many more talented ska bands out there. Their horn lines has really suffered since the loss of bassist Jeff Morgan and losing their former trombone player whom both went to a local arts high school. Their guitar playing has always been alright, Keith is very influenced by Green Day, for better or worse, and it is clear in his playing. However, he is able to write a pretty good solo. The drummer drew may actually be the most talented of the bunch, he does so many little things that you don't really notice unless you are really looking for them, but listening to him always makes the songs exciting. The lead singer Chris has a good voice and can belt it with the best, rumor has that he one took the album "at least we tried" which is really impressive, he also brings a lot of energy to the band that would be lacking without him. I have also maybe never had more fun at a concert, they keep the energy up for the entirety of the show: waving banners, throwing beach balls, running around the stage like mad men.

So on a scale on 1-10 how would I grade MOTU? This is actually a tough one because they are soooo good live and are a lot of fun overall; but their musical talent is lacking, but I would most likely give them a 7-7.5. So check them out and let me know what you think 

1 comment:

  1. Man. That is a tough one. Reviewing your old band. On the whole, I agree with what you said but question your objectivity =).
