Saturday, March 26, 2011

More Than Enough

So in my never ending search for new unsigned bands, I began to realize that there are sooooo many just terrible bands out there, and it is truly amazing that these people would be willing to embarrass themselves online. But after listening to terrible band after terrible band, I think I have finally found a okay one (although I could just be deaf at this point from the trash I have encountered).

More than Enough ( hails from Sioux Falls, they are a three piece group (kinda like Blink-182). Their sound is almost a cross over between the new age power-pop stuff and the punk rock that occupied my childhood. I wouldn't say there was anything really special about them, their sound isn't distinct but their songs are catchy and they are better than the trash the record companies throw at us year after year. 

The lead singer actually has a cool sounding voice, he kind of teeters on the edge of being whiny but manages to hold back and let the true tone of his voice come out. The guitar riffs are pretty generic (again kinda like blink 182), but they still manage to use more than 2 chords (which is a rarity these days). Their drummer is pretty good, he keeps good time, but he doesn't do anything exceptional. The lyrics are actually very punk rock, keeping away from emo but still managing to give off some teenage angst. Most of their songs are up beat and definitely something you could get up and jump around or mosh to at a concert.

So now I am left with the challenge of trying to grade this band. I do like them, but they don't do anything exceptional and I wouldn't say they are pushing the boundaries of music in any way. That being said, I did find them catchy and fun to listen to, I guess on the ten scale I would give them a 6.5-7.  So check them out and let me know what you think!

1 comment:

  1. Hard Rock group from NY--High Tolerance--check 'em out.

    Groovy blog son!
